AIM approach offers a holistic and comprehensive assessment of asset conditions, empowering informed decision-making.
- Maximize Wrench Time-One of the value adding potential for IM operation is the improvement of wrench time offshore.
- Work Pack gate readiness: Our Integrity Management support begins with a CMMS extract (SAP) preferably 8Q . Our planning team then categorizes the PMs into specific inspection methods. Based on the target completion dates, we prioritize the PMs for work pack and ITP creation. Typically, we follow a 52 Week work pack gate, which provides our customers with ample flexibility to plan and execute inspections. This approach also helps customers avoid any inspection downtime caused by unexpected plan changes ,SIMOPS etc.
- CMMS (SAP/Maximo) Optimization : Over the years of operation, SAP/Maximo has accumulated numerous inspection PMs that are either duplicates, unnecessary, or have overly conservative frequencies. Our highly skilled team reviews these PMs and makes value-added decisions to cancel, remove, or realign the inspection frequency. This exercise has saved millions of unnecessary inspection hours for customers.
- Risk-based analysis and inspection by the application of API standards/customer specific requirements .
- Ever-Greening: Conducting system wise AR after every PM based inspection.
- Subject Matter Experts for
- Pressure Systems Integrity (PSI)
- Structural Integrity (STR)
- Floating Systems/Hull Integrity (FHI)
- Corrosion Engineering (CE)
- Fabric Maintenance (FM)